Letter: Joking aside, witch pardon still a waste of time

Letter: Joking aside, witch pardon still a waste of time

Douglas J. Cusine responds to a letter on a proposed pardon for those executed for witchcraft in Scotland, made in reply to his original suggestion that the scheme was a waste of time.

Lest readers be misled by my whimsical or farcical comments, my point is simple. The Scottish Parliament has got to prioritise those issues of law reform which it wishes to address.

The passing of, for example, the High Hedges (Scotland) Act and the Apologies (Scotland) Act while leaving the reforms proposed by the Scottish Law Commission unaddressed, is strange.

Those reforms affect a lot of people while others do not. The work of the Scottish Law Commission has to have the government’s approval before being embarked on; it is paid for out of public funds and many lawyers, and others, give of their time, without charge, to comment on that work.

That being so, I am of the view that their work merits an airing in Parliament, and ahead of other issues which many people would regard as less important or urgent.

Douglas J. Cusine

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