Janet Hood

Janet Hood

Solicitor Janet Hood has passed away.

A licensing specialist, she was as a consultant to a number of law firms across Scotland. She created Janet Hood Training & Consulting Limited – through which she offered a bespoke service to licensees and others. Ms Hood was also a key member of the Law Society of Scotland, having been convenor of the Equality and Diversity Committee as well as a Council and board member.

Paying tribute to her on LinkedIn, lawyer Allan Steele said that she was “kind, caring, intelligent, courageous and sometimes (at the right times) a little outrageous”.

He added: “Janet was a complete one off who marched to the beat of her own drum - never the latest fad - yet still managed to bring others with her. She practised licensing law, but like all self respecting lawyers, was deeply concerned about reducing human suffering and promoting justice.”

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