Housing and Property Chamber case completions up 30 per cent

Housing and Property Chamber case completions up 30 per cent

In the last financial year, the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber closed 30 per cent more applications than the previous year.

During the financial year 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, the chamber received 4,112 applications across all jurisdictions, a nine per cent increase, and closed a total of 4141.

The work of the chamber is set out in the third annual report of the Scottish Tribunals and is relevant to tenants, private landlords, advice agencies, letting agents, property factors, and local authorities.

The report explains the types of applications considered by the chamber, and provides information on the figures and case outcomes.

For example, 1,742 applications for eviction were received during the period with 827 orders granted. The average number of days from lodging the application for eviction to the granting of the order was just over 13 weeks.

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