Help Faculty bring Christmas cheer to vulnerable families

Maria Maguire
Members and staff, and friends of the Faculty of Advocates are being asked to make an extra special effort with this year’s Christmas collection to bring desperately needed cheer to vulnerable families.
The Covid-19 pandemic has worsened the circumstances of many families, who feared that the Faculty’s appeal might have to be cancelled.
“I want to do everything possible so we do not let them down…they need us more than ever,” said Maria Maguire QC, organiser of the collection.
“The response to the appeal in previous years has been tremendous. Covid will make it harder, but I know that we can still make a real difference for the families.”
All donations will go the family support charity, Home-Start Glenrothes, and again the aim is to bring a bit of hope and sparkle to parents and children.
“There are about 100 children aged one to five as well as older children. More than half the families have a parent with mental health problems for whom the pressure of Christmas could be too much. Parents starve themselves to feed their children and save something for Christmas, and this makes me even more determined that we need to do all that we can,” said Ms Maguire.
All types of donations are welcome - toys, books, games, clothes, perfumes or treats like selection boxes and tins of biscuits. Cash donations will buy vouchers for food, and provide an emergency fund throughout the year for items like beds, cookers, fridges and washing machines.
Presents can be handed in at Faculty Reception, Parliament House, Edinburgh, between Monday, 7 December, and noon on Saturday, 12 December, when they will be delivered to Fife. It may also be possible for items to be collected from people’s homes.