EU court to consider minimum alcohol pricing law

The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg will today hear from the Scottish Government as it examines the legality of a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland.
The court is considering the case for a minimum unit price of 50p to be introduced after legislation to enable it was passed unopposed by the Scottish Parliament in 2012.
This morning’s oral hearing will help the court produce a preliminary ruling on the policy to be issued later this year. That will then be referred to the Court of Session in Edinburgh to make a decision on a Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) appeal.
Following a legal challenge over the policy mounted by the SWA, the Court of Session found overwhelmingly in favour of the Scottish Government in 2013, but the SWA appealed the decision and the appeal court decided last year to seek advice from the ECJ.
Speaking ahead of the hearing, health secretary Shona Robison said: “In Scotland we drink far more than we did a generation ago, and alcohol consumption is almost a fifth higher than the rest of the UK.
“Heavy drinking places a heavy burden on society, not just by damaging health and causing premature death, but also by contributing to crime and disorder.
“Introducing a minimum unit price for alcohol is the best, most targeted way to tackle the affordability of cheap, strong alcohol consumed by heavy drinkers without penalising moderate drinkers.
“It will reduce the many harms caused by excessive drinking, as part of the broad range of actions we are taking.
“I’m confident that we have a strong case, and I’m proud that Scotland is leading the way in Europe on this important issue.”
EU member states will have the opportunity to make representations to the court on the Scottish Government’s proposal.
The Scottish Government is expecting to win international support for the policy from Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the UK.