Douglas Mill: Stuck in the middle with you

Douglas Mill

Was the clear winner in last month’s challenge to find a title for the ongoing battle between LSS and SLCC. I actually laughed out loud when I read the e-mail. Brilliant-and written by a Paisley boy too. Gerry Rafferty if you are not the same vintage as me. So well done Fraser Oliver of Digby Brown. The bottle of red will arrive in your reception sometime in the new year.

And my prediction was right. Fur flying. Claws out. No holds barred. Which would be hilarious for the profession were it not for the rather disturbing fact, pointed out to me by dozens of solicitors, that they will be funding both sides of a Court of Session litigation. A first? And while LSS are consulting Senior Counsel, perhaps they could get some advice on competition law. More to follow.

Old mill’s almanac

So, how about some more predictions for 2017? OK then, in no particular order

We will see the sad end to the Ross Harper SSDT hearings. All rather sad. The West of Scotland still holds them dear.

Craig Whyte goes on trial and you don’t have to be an Old Firm fan to look forward to that one.

The Scottish Solicitors’ Staff Pension Fund litigations will continue, grinding down some unlucky small firms who are being asked to pick up the tab for what looks awfully like, at best, poor administration.

Alistair Sim and Marsh will continue to get droves of calls from firms who have not yet woken up to the (brave/bizarre/dangerous-you choose) change in Master Policy Brokers. “No one told me!” they will say. T’was ever thus.

Maclay Murray and Spens will be in talks with someone. As usual. Sadly. I like them.

SLCC will continue to act as the provisional wing of the Competition and Markets Authority in Scotland.

Two or three more of our bigger firms will disappear through amalgamations/mergers/fire sales.

Some big English firms will move on decommissioning Scottish PCs.

So, there’s eight to be going on with. And, you guessed it, a bottle of plonk to the best of all the other suggestions I hope you e-mail me.

May 2017 be a less interesting year.

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