DAC Beachcroft’s Beverley Atkinson re-accredited in professional negligence law

Beverley Atkinson
Beverley Atkinson, legal director at DAC Beachcroft, has been re-accredited as a specialist in professional negligence law by the Law Society of Scotland.
Having first been accredited in 2015, Ms Atkinson is one of only nine specialists in this area of law in Scotland.
Ms Atkinson, who leads DAC Beachcroft’s professional indemnity offering in Scotland, is dual-qualified in Scotland and England & Wales and is a solicitor advocate. She defends professional indemnity claims against a wide range of professionals.
She said: “I am delighted to have been re-accredited by the Law Society of Scotland. The accreditation provides clients with invaluable reassurance in regards to the standard of advice they are provided with.”
John Maillie, partner and Scottish Location Head at DAC Beachcroft, said: “This area of law can be incredibly complex and so this accreditation is very significant and a great asset to our services. Congratulations to Beverley on this well-deserved recognition.”