COPFS strategic plan 2015-2018 aims to improve quality of justice for victims and witnesses

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service(COPFS) published its Strategic Plan 2015-2018 today.
The document describes what Scotland’s prosecution service aims to deliver over the three-year period; and the underlying priorities.
The priorities are set against the backdrop of legal reforms, both past and planned, changes in the patterns of criminal behaviour and developments in COPFS business practices; and, in particular, the increasing use of technology and the move towards more functional working - with increasing use of specialists for particular types of cases.
The crown agent, Catherine Dyer said: “Each element of the Strategic Plan 2015-2018 is designed to support our purpose to secure justice for the people of Scotland.
“We will continue to work with other parts of the criminal justice system to develop ever more productive working arrangements, performing a key role in the implementation of the various reforms to criminal law and procedure underway and planned in the years ahead, especially improving the quality of justice for victims and witnesses.
“We also want to ensure our staff are properly equipped to cope with the challenges ahead and remain skilled, motivated and engaged.
“To that end, improved leadership and management training, together with training in technical skills, form major strands of our people strategy.”
The Strategic Plan’s objectives 2015-2018 are to ensure that:
Click here to read the plan.