Call for views on Angiolini police complaints report

The Justice Sub-Committee on Policing has issued a call for views on the report by Dame Elish Angiolini on police complaints handling.
The report contained 81 recommendations, including calls for changes to legislation, policy, practice, as well as roles and responsibilities. The sub-committee is to consider the joint response by the Scottish government and the Lord Advocate to these recommendations at this special meeting.
A response is expected to be published at the end of January or the beginning of February next year.
Sub-Committee on Policing convener, John Finnie MSP, said: “Handling complaints against police has historically proven to be a headache for the authorities. Many complainers and those who are the subject of complaints have been left unhappy with the systems in place.
“This comprehensive report offers detailed, thoughtful recommendations. While some could be implemented quickly, others would need legislative change and input from the Scottish Government and Parliament.
“While these would need to be taken forward and fully scrutinised in the next Parliament, we want to hear the views of key stakeholders and the public before we question the Justice Secretary on his initial response, including the changes that could be made now.”