Lawyer at heart of murder mystery to host fascinating evening this November

Lawyer at heart of murder mystery to host fascinating evening this November

A fascinating murder mystery will be the subject of an evening of discussion with an American lawyer in Glasgow later this year.

David Rudolf, the defence attorney for Michael Peterson, whose case is depicted in the hit Netflix documentary series The Staircase, will be hosting a show exclusively for lawyers in November.

The crime drama is based on the murder of Kathleen Peterson, who was killed at the home she shared with Michael, on 9 December 2001.

Mr Rudolf will attend the Scottish Criminal Bar Association event to talk about his experiences in the case and take questions.

The event is on Saturday 24 November 2018 at 7pm at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow. The evening will commence with a drinks reception, followed by the discussion.

The Faculty of Advocates has accredited the event for 1-hour’s substantive law CPD.

Tickets cost £30 each from or any member of the SCBA committee: Claire Mitchell, Anthony Lenehan, Craig Findlater, Gary Allan QC, Kelly Duling, Greg Farrell, Edith Forrest, Simon Gilbride, Rosemary Guinnane, Wendy Hay, Maryam Labaki, John McElroy, Stephen O’Rourke QC, Ximena Vengochea.

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