Inspire your inner entrepreneur and network at Borders event

Inspire your inner entrepreneur and network at Borders event

Becoming an entrepreneur will be the subject of an exciting event next week for young professionals in the Borders.

The Scottish Borders Young Professionals event, Inspire Your Inner Entrepreneur, will be held at Melrose Rugby Club on Wednesday 24 October, at 6pm and will feature some great business success stories and hints and tips for improving your own way of working from three fantastic speakers: Emily McGowan, director of McGowan Marketing; Jamie Blackport, CEO of Mirador Analytics, and Stewart Dick, personal and business performance coach.

SBYP would very much welcome SBYP members and non-members alike to attend this event, as there are no restrictions whatsoever for those who wish to come along. 

Tickets are free for members and £5 per person for non-members and can be booked here. (If you don’t already have membership but would like to join, please email the SBYP team at

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