Millar & Bryce Modern Conveyancing hits the road!

Millar & Bryce Modern Conveyancing hits the road!

Land and property search firm Millar & Bryce is set to hit the road in June with a series of Scottish roadshows, marking the launch of their fourth conveyancing manual.

Each event will be led by Millar & Bryce’s principal consultant John King, who brings over 30 years’ legal, policy and practical experience, across all aspects of land and property registration in Scotland.

Mr King has been instrumental in many policy changes affecting land registration and will be focussing on some of the current practical and legal challenges in the conveyancing market-place and how new services and new technology can assist practitioners and support their clients. The following areas will be discussed:


Identifying problem areas; managing client expectations; title conflict resolution; KIR and voluntary registration; available support and services.


Managing the risk of outstanding applications and realignment of rights; the limitations of a land register title; assumptions and implied validity; title insurance, warranty and rectification.


Overview of property market and new products

The first of the eight roadshows will kick off in Edinburgh on Friday 8 June with special guest speaker Clare Tasker from The Coal Authority.

Mr King added: “I’m delighted to be launching our first roadshow in Edinburgh. In the last year there has been a lot of transformation in conveyancing and we’ll be looking in-depth at the most prominent issues affecting the marketplace.

“With key industry experts attending these events, it promises to provide a great insight. I look forward to hosting each roadshow and reporting on the current and future state of the conveyancing world.”

A question and answer session with the experts will also be open for all those attending.

Key dates – 8th June 2018 Edinburgh Special guest Clare Tasker, The Coal Authority

  • 19th June 2018 Inverness Special guest Mark Taylor, Argyll Environmental
  • 20th June 2018 Aberdeen Special guest Mark Taylor
  • 20th June 2018 Dundee Special guests Mark Taylor and Elizabeth Comerford, University of Dundee
  • 26th June 2018 Stirling
  • 27th June 2018 Glasgow Special guests Clare Tasker, The Coal Authority and Debra Clapham, Clapham Solicitors
  • 28th June 2018 Dumfries
  • 28th June 2018 Melrose Ticket admission includes refreshments plus a copy of ‘An Introduction to Basic Scottish Conveyancing’.

Limited places area available and it’s advised to book early to avoid disappointment. More information regarding the roadshows can be found here, to book tickets please contact Elaine Gilhooley at

For media enquiries contact: Jennifer McIlroy or Lynne Hughes at Clarion Communications on 07415 350 752 or e-mail /

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